Digital Sharing Kit – Covid 19 Vaccines and boosters

Easy, fast, and free: step-by-step interactive tutorial to guide older Pennsylvanians on to information and registration for COVID 19 vaccinations.

Below are some sample text, posts and tweets to let your members and community know about free tools that seniors and/or family members can use to help older adults locate and schedule a Covid-19 vaccination or booster.

Text for your newsletter or blog:

Empower yourself! We know many of our community members are not fully vaccinated against Covid-19. The CDC has said the risk of infection and hospitalization is significantly higher in the unvaccinated. If you need help learning how to locate and schedule a vaccine or a booster shot, we have a resource for you! It is a free interactive tutorial, from experts in assisting older adults with tech learning. The tutorial provides links to trusted educational medical information plus a safe, step-by-step, interactive practice space. Works on smartphones and tablets all at no cost. Type the words into your web-browser (Chrome, Firefox, etc.) to start your learning!

Image of newsletter

Newsletter flyers (Click on link to view a flyer. If you wish to download a flyer to use in your publication, click on the down arrow shown on the upper right hand side of the screen)

  • Protect yourself and others from Covid-19! Learn how to use the Internet to find and register for Covid-19 (immunization or booster shot) at a local location.
  • Breathe easier – keep yourself and those most vulnerable safer the serious complications of Covid-19 by getting your safe and effective vaccine.
  • We found this interactive tutorial which is helping to make the path to vaccination shorter, easier, and less stressful!
  • Covid is tough, but together Pennsylvanians are tougher. United we can defeat this virus.

Sample Facebook posts:

Do you use the Internet (even just a little) but are unclear how to find or schedule a Covid-19 vaccination or booster online? We have discovered a free interactive tutorial, from experts in assisting older adults with tech learning. Works on smartphones and tablets. Open a web-browser (Chrome, Firefox, etc.) and type in: to start your learning.

We care about your safety! Using your tablet or smartphone, check out this free site to learn how to find and schedule a Covid-19 shot in nearby location.

Covid is tough, but together Pennsylvanians are tougher. United we can defeat this virus. Let’s work together to stop the spread. Do you still need to find a vaccination? Use this free interactive tool to learn how to use an internet connected smartphone or tablet to find and schedule a vaccine locally.

Sample Twitter posts:

Easy, fast, and free: step-by-step interactive tutorial to guide older Pennsylvanians on to information and registration for COVID 19 vaccinations. For tablets and smartphones @generationsonli

Unsure how to register online for a Covid-19 shot? Worried about shot safety and want more information?

Vaccinations – want to see what nearby locations offer Covid-19 boosters or vaccination?

Sample Email:

Dear _____,

I just learned that Generations on Line, a 20-year-old nonprofit, provides free interactive tutorials to help older adults learn, to use tablet and smartphone technology. Their newest offering guides older Pennsylvanians, step-by-step to find local sites for COVID 19 vaccinations and boosters. The same tutorial also provides easy access to reliable information regarding Covid-19 and vaccinations.

To learn more, visit