Hmmm! You think?!

The correct answer is:

Dear valued customer of TrustedBank, We have recieved notice that you have recently attempted to withdraw the following amount of money from your checking account while in another country: $135.25 If this information is not correct, someone unknown may have access to your account. As a safety measure, please visit our website via the link below to verify your personal information. Visit this link: Thank you, TrustedBank

YOUR answer was:

Generations on Line Dear Tutorial User, We hope you are enjoying this tutorial and are learning how to be safe when you are using the great resources on the Internet! Remember to check spelling and peculiar URLs (website addresses). And ignore ALL "get rich quick" schemes and ANF requests for your personal identity information. Sincerely, The staff at Generations on Line

You may not have expected an email from “Generations on Line” but there is nothing about it to signal it might be a scam. That said, if you suspect ANY email, delete it immediately.

The reason the bank email raises red flags is that a bank will NEVER ask you for your banking information or any private information. (To learn more about email safety, tap here to go to that tutorial.)

Here’s the next question:

Hmmm! You think?!

The correct answer is:

Dear valued customer of TrustedBank, We have recieved notice that you have recently attempted to withdraw the following amount of money from your checking account while in another country: $135.25 If this information is not correct, someone unknown may have access to your account. As a safety measure, please visit our website via the link below to verify your personal information. Visit this link: Thank you, TrustedBank

YOUR answer was:

Generations on Line Dear Tutorial User, We hope you are enjoying this tutorial and are learning how to be safe when you are using the great resources on the Internet! Remember to check spelling and peculiar URLs (website addresses). And ignore ALL "get rich quick" schemes and ANF requests for your personal identity information. Sincerely, The staff at Generations on Line

You may not have expected an email from “Generations on Line” but there is nothing about it to signal it might be a scam. That said, if you suspect ANY email, delete it immediately.

The reason the bank email raises red flags is that a bank will NEVER ask you for your banking information or any private information. (To learn more about email safety, tap here to go to that tutorial.)

Here’s the next question:

Question 7 of 17:

Which of the following sample text messages raises red flags?