YES! is a safe website!

is a safe website!

But even if a website has a picture of a little lock, that does not mean it is a “safe” site.

In fact, scammers are very good at building malicious websites that LOOK like authentic reputable companies. But, if you look at the website address (commonly called the “URL”), you can find the clues of a fake website.

1. Most domains end in either “.com,” “.net,” “.org,” “.gov,” or even “.edu.” If you see anything else after the “dot” in a URL (like, it is probably a fake and even dangerous site.

Safe Surfing

2. Scammers will often slightly mispell the name of the company. In this case – – the “i” in “Pepsi” was replaced with a number “1.” Fake site – leave fast!

3. Sometimes a scammer will use the “real” URL but add a number or letter in front or back (for example,

Watch for any of these little variations, they are all suspicious.

Which of THESE website addresses do you think is the safest? Tap your answer to continue: